29th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council

Death Valley National Park

20-23 November 1997




Thursday Morning (20 November)




  1. Pister, E.P.

      Greetings from the DFC Executive Secretary and Chair of the Local Committee.

  1. Martin, R. Superintendent, DVNP.

      Welcome to DeathValley National Park.


ECOREGION REPORTS (G. Garrett,, Moderator)

  1. Garrett, G.P.

      Desert fishes research and management in Texas during 1997.

  1. Propst, D.L.

      Native fish research and management in New Mexico during 1997.

  1. Pfeifer, F.K.

      Area report for upper Colorado River.

  1. Holden, P.B.

      Bonneville Basin report, 1997.

  1. Stein, J.R*.; Heinrich, J.E.; Sjoberg, J.C.; Martinez, C.; Werdon, S.J.; Byers, S.; St. George, D.

      Southern Nevada eco-region report.

  1. Wong, D.M.; Barrett, P.; Keeney, S.; Sada, D.; Threloff, D.

      Eco-region report for Southern California and Eastern Sierra.

  1. Stefferud, J.A.

      Area report for lower Colorado River.


  1. Varela-Romero, A.*; Ruiz-Campos, G.; Yepiz-Velasquez, L.M.; Alaniz-Garcia, J.

      Research activities on native fishes in Northwest Mexico, with emphasis on desert pupfish Cyprinodon m.macularius/ Actividades de investigacion sobre peces nativos en el Noroeste de Mexico, con enfasis en el pez cachorrito del desiert o Cyprinodon m macularius



  1. Thompson, P.D.*; Lentsch, L.D.; T.E. Chart; T.A. Crowl.

      Catfish and centrarchid removal efforts in the lower and middle Green River, Utah.

  1. Johnson, J.E.

      Predator recognition and avoidance by four native southwestern fishes.

  1. Keleher, C.J.*; Lentsch, L.D.

      A comparison of introduction of least chub alone or as part of a fish community.

  1. Courtenay, W.R. Jr.

      Tilapias in the Western Hemisphere: A review of introductions.


ALMUERZO 1200--1400


Thursday Afternoon (20 November)


  1. Stefferud, J.A.

      Fish barriers as a management tool: conservation of southwestern trouts.

  1. Clarkson, R.W.

      Electrical and physical barriers to prevent upstream movements of fishes: Reclamation's experience in the Gila River Basin, Arizona.

  1. Fridell, R.

      Use of fish barriers in recovery programs for endangered Virgin River fishes in Utah.

  1. Smith, D.

      Electric fish barriers.

  1. Pister, E.P.

      The South Fork Kern River fish barriers.

  1. McGuire, C.L.*; Heise, G.C.

      Present and future fish migration barriers on the south fork of the Kern River.


EARLY LIFE-HISTORY STAGES (E. Gustafson, Moderator) 

  1. Sowka, P.A.*; Brunkow, P.E.

      Effects of stocking density and size variability on growth and survival of cage-cultured bonytail chub, Gila elegans

  1. Converse, Y.K.*; Lentsch, L.D.; Archer, E.; Chart, T.E.; Trammell, M.A.

      Results of an experimental stocking of age-0 Colorado squawfish into the San Juan River.

  1. Trammell, M.A.*; Chart, T.E.

      Comparison of YOY Colorado squawfish nursery habitat studies on the Green and Colorado Rivers.

  1. Gustafson, E.S.*; Deacon, J.E.

      Distribution of larval Cyprinodon diabolis in relation to diel dissolved oxygen variation in Devils Hole.



  1. Bradford, R.H.*; Gurtin, S.D.; Vlach, B.R.

      Habitat use by razorback suckers, Xyrauchen texanus, implanted with ultra-sonic transmitters and released into the Imperial Division, Lower Colorado River.

  1. Zimmerman, B.*; Leibfried, W.

      Preliminary results of razorback sucker radio-telemetry in the Colorado River, Western Grand Canyon.

  1. Foster, D.K.*; Marsh, P.C.; Mueller, G.

      Bonytail chub telemetry in Lake Mojave, Arizona and Nevada.




Threloff, D. Providing water for biological resources and human use: The National Park Service dilemma.

[Presentation and discussion immediately following the NPS evening visitor program (time to be announced).]



  Friday Morning (21 November)


845 Abate, P.D.*; Holden, P.B.; Heinrich, J.E.

      Woundfin population changes in the lower Virgin River in 1997.

  1. Cavalli, P.A.*; Lentsch, L.D.

      Fish community investigations in the Price River.

  1. Gorman, O.T.*; Stone, D.M.; Seals, J.M.

      Ecology of razorback sucker during early spring in upper Lake Mohave, 1994-1997.

  1. Holden, P.B.*; Abate, P.D.; Ruppert, J.B.; Heinrich, J.B.

      Razorback sucker studies on Lake Mead, Nevada, 1996-97.

  1. Rogers, R.S.*; McKinney, T.

      Spawning by flannelmouth sucker in the main channel Colorado River between Lee's Ferry and Glen Canyon Dam.

  1. Marsh, P.C.

      Survival of repatriated bonytail, Gila elegans, and razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus, in Lake Mohave, Arizona and Nevada.

  1. Douglas, M.E.*; Marsh, P.C.

      Population estimates for flannelmouth (Catostomus latipinnis) and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) /hybrids, within the Little Colorado River region of Grand Canyon.



  1. Seitz, A.M.*; Toline, C.A.; Lentsch, L.D.

      Molecular variation among populations of the western spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) in Utah.

  1. Toline, C.A.*; Seamons, T.R.

      Population genetic structure of speckled dace.

  1. Jones, C.P.* Shiozawa, D.K.; Evans, R.P.; Hatfield, L.K.

      Genetic variation in populations of Colorado River cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus in the Sheep Creek drainage of the Uinta Mountains [Carl L. Hubbs Student Award Competitor].

 1115 Bray, A.*; Shizozawa, D.K.; Woolstenhulme, L.A.

      Introgression of rainbow and Yellowstone cutthroat trout with native Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Sheep creek drainage basin.

  1. McGee, M*.; Shiozawa, D.K.; Belk, M.

      Life history variation in a meta-population of Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus) in the Sheep Creek drainage of the Uinta Mountains.

  1. Hedrick, P.W.

      Microsatellite loci in Gila topminnows and captive broodstock for bonytail chub.


ALMUERZO 1200--1400


Friday Afteroon (21 November)

BIOLOGY OF FISHES (M.R. Douglas, Moderator) 

  1. Hendrickson, D.A.;* Krejca, J.

      Biogeography, ecology and conservation status of the Mexican blindcats, genus Prietella (Ictaluridae).

  1. Garcia de Leon, F.*; Hendrickson, D.A.; Hillis, D.M.

      Molecular phylogeny of Ictaluridae with emphasis on the Mexican blindcats, genus Prietella.

  1. Hoffnagle, T.L.*; Cole, R.A.

      Distribution and prevalence of Lernea cyprinacea in fishes of the Colorado River and tributaries, Grand Canyon, AZ.

  1. Kim, T.J.

      Resistance to exotic parasites in Gila topminnows [Carl L. Hubbs Award Competitor].

  1. Holland, B*.; Rinne, J.N.; Sundnes, G.

      In a heart beat: A comparative study of fishes from temperate cold sea water and hot desert rivers.

  1. Douglas, M.R.*; Douglas, M.E.

      An analysis of Colorado River Basin Gila (Cyprinidae) using geometric morphometrics.

  1. Daza, A.Z.

      Morphological variation within Poecilia mexicana [Frances Hubbs Miller Award Competitor].





Saturday Morning (22 November)


  1. Muth, R.T.*; Crist,L.; Williams, R.D.; Lentsch, L.D.; Hayse, J.; Converse, Y.K.

      Flaming Gorge Research Program.

  1. Mizzi, J.*; Williams, R.D.

      Operational constraints of implementing recovery actions for the endangered June sucker Chasmistes liorus, Utah Lake, Utah.

  1. Lentsch, L.D.*; Toline, C.A.; Crowl, T.A.; Converse, Y.K.

      Development of management objectives through minimum viable population analysis for four endangered fish species in the upper Colorado River basin.

 930 Minckley, C.O.*; Bagley, B.A.; Knowles, G.

      Collections of desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius from northern Mexico, for genetic analyses to assist in implementing the Desert Pupfish Recovery Plan.

  1. Sada, D.W.

      Habitat and demography of Cottonball Marsh pupfish Cyprinodon salinus milleri as indicators of design requirements to construct refuges and rehabilitate degraded habitats.

  1. Hyde, P.W.

      Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program and similar programs in the Colorado River basin: an environmental NGO perspective.



1015 Tibbets, C.A.*; Dowling, T.E.; Gustaveson, S.

      Distribution of genetic variation in the Eagle Creek (Gila drainage, AZ) population of Agosia chrysogaster.

  1. Oakey, D.D.*; Douglas, M.E.

      A phylogeographic analysis of the speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) in western North America.

  1. Wilcox, J.L.*; Martin, A.P.

      Genetic differentiation among natural and refugia populations of the Devils Hole pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis, as indicated by microsatellite DNA markers.

  1. Duvernell, D.D.*; Turner, B.J.

      Mitochondrial DNA variation and population divergence in the pupfishes of Death Valley.

  1. Turner, B.J.*; Duvernell, D.D.

      Population variation and divergence in Death Valley pupfishes delineated by a new family of retrotransposable elements.

  1. Stockwell, C.A.*; Pittenger, J.S.

      Historic and genetic evidence for the recognition of two Evolutionarily Significant Units of the White Sands pupfish, Cyprinodon tularosa.


ALMUERZO 1145--1345


Saturday Afternoon (22 November 1997)


  1. Bradford, D.F.

      Spatial distribution of desert springs as a factor determining occupancy of sites by amphibians in the southern Nevada region.

  1. Redondo, D.C.*; Sponholtz, P.J.; Deason, B.P.; Sychowski, L; Rinne, J.N.

      Stock tank effects on native fishes: Verde River, Prescott National Forest.

  1. Stone, D.M.*; Gorman, O.T.

      Diel patterns of near-shore habitat use by native fishes in the Little Colorado River near Grand Canyon, Arizona: Evidence of piscivory by adult humpback chub.

  1. Perkins, M.J.*; Trater, P.; Lentsch, L.D.

      Habitat use by spotted frog along the Provo River in Utah.

  1. Wilson, K.W.*; Belk, M.C.

      Historic distribution, current status and habitat characteristics of leatherside chub, Gila copei, in Utah.

  1. Modde, T.

      Nursery suitability and razorback sucker use of a floodplain depression wetland in the Middle Green River.


FISH AND FLOW (W.C. Leibfried, Moderator) 

  1. Unmack, P.J.

      Water limits the occurrence of fishes, but what limits the occurrence of water?

  1. Chart, T.E.*; Trammell, M.A.

      Effects of flow on the humpback chub population in Westwater Canyon, Colorado River, Utah.

  1. Irving, D.B.*; Modde, T.

      Movement of humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Yampa River during the low flow, summer period.

  1. Hoagstrom, C.W.

      Reservoir operation, habitat, and cyprinid fishes in the middle Pecos River, NM.

  1. Sponholtz, P.J*.; Rinne, J.N.

      Grazing, stream channel, and fish relationships: Verde River, Arizona.

  1. Leibfried, W.C.

      The Grand Canyon Experimental Flood of 1996: Response by native and non-native fishes in Western Grand Canyon.



Bradford, D.F.; Jennings, R.D.

      Population status of the relict leopard frog (Rana onca).

Espinosa, P.H.; Huidobro, C.L.; Padilla, G.J.M.; Daza, Z.A.

      Fishes of Tabasco / Peces de Tabasco.

Heinrich, J.E.; Stein, J.R.; Haskins, R.L.

      Status and distribution of the relict dace, Relictus solitarius.

Hubbs, C.

      Effect of light intensity on Gambusia brood production.

Mendoza, V.E.; Espinosa, P.H.; Fuentes, M.P.

      Filogenia de Centropomus (Centropomidae).

Parker, M.S.; Scoppettone, G.G.; Nielsen, M.B.; Deen, D.D.; Kiernan, J.D.

      Habitat selection by Ash Meadows naucorids.

Parmley, D.D.; Walters, J.P.

      Roundtail chub (Gila robusta) distribution in Arizona.

Rosenfield, J.A.; Kodric-Brown, A.

      Behavioral and ecological forces driving introgression between Pecos pupfish and sheepshead minnow

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(E. Phil Pister)
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This page last modified:  09 December 2003